Monday, October 6, 2008

And here we go again....

Lately, I've been having a hard time getting my daily playing started. Sometimes I feel very tired to play or I just feel like starting playing my solos and excerpts instead of working on my basics. The true is that basics are more important than we sometimes think and finding the proper way of working on them should be an ultimate goal every day.
Last Saturday one of my students at Knox College in Galesburg, IL brought to class the Michael Davis "15 Minutes Warm Up" book. What a terrific pedagogical tool!!!! The book includes the most basic exercises we all know (long tones, tonguing, flexibility, etc.) but it also comes with a CD you can play along with. It is a very refreshing experience since while you play you are also working on pitch and rhythmic accuracy just by listening to the songs in the background. And the most important thing: you feel that you are actually playing music just by working on your basics!
If used properly and by adding your own variations to the suggested routine, this could help you developing a healthy and musical daily routine!!!!

1 comment:

Pablo Antonio Salas said...

hace como 4 días me conseguí ese libro! y es en serio fabuloso! ! !